Starter kit Blue - Access solution via smartphones STid Mobile ID starter kits

Starter kit Blue - Access solution via smartphones STid Mobile ID starter kits

STid offers a complete starter kit to help you implement our STid Mobile ID® latest mobile access solution via smartphones. The starter kit blue includes an Architec Blue reader (TTL Wiegand / Clock&Data or RS485), an encoder, SECard software, an optional training course and 15 credits allowing you to discover all the features and create your first virtual cards

Discover our starter kit
for an easy deployment


The starter kit includes:

  • 1 Architect® Blue standard or keypad reader
    (TTL Wiegand / Clock&Data or RS485),
  • 1 Architect® Blue USB desktop reader / encoder,
  • 1 SECard programming kit,
  • 15 credits enabling to discover all the features
    and create your first virtual cards,
  • 1 optional one-hour training module to facilitate
    the solution implementation.
    Montage starter KitUS




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  • Complete tool to configure your Architect® Blue readers
  • Encoder to create your virtual cards
  • Sample reader included suited for your demos and deployments
  • Enroller function

Various virtual cards

STid Mobile ID® receives and saves an unlimited number of virtual access cards on your smartphone.


Download the app for Android™ and iOS

appstore logo google play logo


Easy configuration of identification modes

Your smartphone, the STid Mobile ID® application and Bluetooth® Architect® Blue reader transform your hand into a card that you always have on you. 
Select your preferred identification mode to make access control secure and much more instinctive. You can adjust the read distance for each mode, 
to close or remote, with just a few clicks of the mouse.

mode vocal


by placing your smartphone in front of the reader.


Picto mode slide


by placing your hand close to the reader without taking out your phone.


Picto mode tap tap

Tap Tap

by tapping your smartphone twice in your pocket for near or remote opening.

Picto mode remote

Remote Mode

by using your smartphone as a remote control.


Picto mode mains libre


by simply passing in front of the reader.


Picto mode badge


by using the voice command on your iPhone (iOS).

See identification modes Play

SECard logo for the starter kit blue


  • 100% local sandboxed programming
  • Autonomous management for securely programming RFID and Bluetooth® user cards
  • Configuration and reconfiguration of readers
  • Protection and confidentiality of user cards and the master card
  • Plug & Play tool
  • Fully compatible with AGENT, CIMS and STITCH cards
  • Complies with General Data Protection Regulation no. 2016/679 and Standard EN16571


The SECard software lets users, installers and integrators easily:

  • securely program user RFID and virtual cards,
  • create master physical or virtual badges for programming readers,
  • manage keys and security configurations.



SECard, how it works ?


Scheme of the interaction with the starter kit bue


icon for step 1 Configuration badge created and 1 encryption keys defined.
icon for step 2 User RFID badges and virtual cards programmed using the encryption keys defined.
icon for step 3 Readers programmed using my configuration badge - they only recognize my badges.


                See flyer



Logo of STid settings for the starter kit blue

STid Settings is a virtual configuration card wallet which saves cards in your smartphone for configuring readers with ease.

  • Secure and unlimited storage of configuration cards
  • Unlimited configurations of the read distances for identification modes
  • “Get Configuration” tool to display information on reader configuration

Once you have downloaded the free app from AppStore or PlayStore, you can load your virtual SCBs via our SECard programming kit or our Web platform.

Easily configure the read distances for each identification mode using your smartphone, as many times as you want.


Download the app for Android™ et iOS

appstore logo google play logo

Picture of a smartphone for the starter kit blue

STid Mobile ID® compatible reader ranges

STid has developed a wide range of read-only readers which can be configured by the SECard programming software

Picture of the ARC1S/BT for the starter kit blue

13.56 MHz DESFire® EV2 
+ Bluetooth® 
mullion readers

More information

Picture of the ARCS-A /BT for the starter kit blue

13.56 MHz DESFire® EV2 
+ Bluetooth® 
standard readers

More information

Picture of the ARCS-B /BT for the starter kit blue

13.56 MHz DESFire® EV2 
+ Bluetooth® 
keypad readers

More information

Picture of the ARCS-C /BT for the starter kit blue

13.56 MHz DESFire® EV2 
+ Bluetooth® keypad / touch screen readers

More information

Picture of the ARCS-G /BT for the starter kit blue

13.56 MHz DESFire® EV2
+ Bluetooth® 
desktop readers / encoders

More information

Part numbers

Including a standard reader

TTL Wiegand / Data&Clock version:


TTL Wiegand / Data&Clock version + training:


RS485 version:


RS485 version + training:


OSDP™ version:


OSDP™ version + training:



Including a keypad reader

TTL Wiegand / Data&Clock version:


TTL Wiegand / Data&Clock version + training:


RS485 version:


RS485 version + training:


OSDP™ version:


OSDP™ version + training:


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